Monday, March 28, 2016

It's Here! Seabreeze High School 25th Year Reunion!

June 24 – June 26

Coral Sands Resort and Seaside Cottages
1009 Ocean Shore Blvd, Ormond Beach, Florida 32176

To give you as much notice as possible it is time to Save The Date as the Class of 1991 celebrates their 25th Reunion in June 2016!

Our host hotel will be the gorgeous Coral Sands Inn in Ormond Beach. 

We will follow the same format that has made our reunions better than all the rest! 

Casual On Site Social Friday night (adults only)
Family Beach Day on Saturday in front of the Coral Sands
Laid Back Beach Bash Saturday Night (adults only)

We look forward to having another amazing reunion weekend with our former classmates! 
See you in June 2016!

Buy your tickets ($75 a person) and more information is here: